記事 Home Cleaning and Organizing 7 Foolproof Ways to Get Rid of House Molds

7 Foolproof Ways to Get Rid of House Molds

Tired of molds randomly appearing on surfaces? Kiss those nasty fungi goodbye with these 7 surefire ingredients that you can easily find at home!

Any home is not safe when it comes to molds. A mold infestation not only ruins your home's interiors, but also you and your family's health! So once you spot a moldy surface in any part of your home, it's best to get rid of it right away.

Here are what you need to know about molds and how to get rid of them.

Know Your Enemy: Moisture

First things first. You have to know what causes molds, and the answer is water. While H2O keeps the body hydrated and refreshed, it doesn't do a lot to keep your nooks and crannies at home spic and span, especially if there's too much of it in them.

Water vapor on a white surface.

Mold grows and thrives in moist surfaces and environments, so rule number one is definitely not letting moisture dwell in anything you own at home. While many people think it's no big deal, molds are actually dangerous to our health. It can cause irritation, nasal congestion, coughing, sneezing fits, and respiratory problems. Getting in contact with spores coming from molds through the mouth or nose can also trigger already existing health issues like asthma or allergic rhinitis.

Solution #1: Exhaust Fans

Your exhaust fan must be turned on, preferably along with your light switch every time you use the bathroom. Exhaust fans suck moisture from the bathroom air and blow it outside. This is perfect especially when taking showers, as there is water involved. If moisture from the shower doesn't escape the room, it can accumulate in various parts of the bathroom, and become breeding grounds of dangerous molds.

Solution #2: Dehumidifiers

While dehumidifiers don't kill mold, they are great for preventing mold growth in your home. Humidity is the amount of water vapor present in the air, so this means that the more humid the air at home is, the more likely mold growth will happen. Dehumidifiers absorb water in the air, make the water vapor condense, and collect that water for you to throw away. What you're left with is cool, moist-free air!

How Do You Get Rid of Existing Mold at Home?

There are a lot of ways to remove house molds. While there are safe and non-toxic ways to remove them, there are also riskier options. These all depend on the amount and the difficulty of removing existing house molds.

A variety of cleaning supplies in different shades of pink.

You can use ingredients that are already on your kitchen shelves or cleaning tools cabinets. Make sure to prepare yourself too: purchase goggles, masks, and gloves for personal safety. You don't know how much mold you have at home, especially in corners you haven't paid a visit for the longest time.

What makes mold dangerous are its spores, which can get inside your eyes and on your skin, and cause serious irritation and infections. Make sure you have protective gear before facing your tough mold battle head on. So now that you have this down, it's time to bring out the magic ingredients to finally bid your house molds goodbye!

Getting Rid of Mold with Vinegar

Three glass vessels containing prunes, dried flower petals, and vinegar.

First, you have to choose the right kind of vinegar. The one above is alright, but it's better to choose white distilled vinegar or actual cleaning vinegar that's specifically made for cleaning the house. These are usually sold at 5-6% acidity. Depending on the concentration of mold, spray vinegar on the target area and let it sit for at least an hour before scrubbing or wiping the mold away with a scouring pad or a brush.

Rinse the area with warm water after. If the mold still hasn't gone away, spray more vinegar and let it sit longer than it did before. Repeat process until the mold is totally gone. Vinegar is awesome in removing mold from most surfaces, but refrain from using it on metallic surfaces like aluminum or cast iron, wooden surfaces such as waxed wood, and on natural stone.

Getting Rid of Mold with Lemons

A hand reaching out for a lemon from a wooden bowl.

Aside from making ice cold lemonade or sprinkling lemon juice on your salmon, lemons can also be a great mold buster! Just like vinegar, lemons are acidic, which make them so effective in removing stubborn fungi. Especially effective against mildew, pure lemon juice must be sprayed on the target site and left on it for about 30 minutes or more if you want better results.

You can fill a bottle with lemon juice concentrate and spray it on the target site, or rub the lemons themselves onto the mold-infested surface. If you're going for the latter, then make sure you have your gloves on. The amount of lemon juice you'll use always depends on how big the spot where the mold is, so adjust accordingly. Like vinegar, lemon juice also works on most surfaces, and smells absolutely fantastic! You don't have to worry about inhaling toxic chemicals when you use these fragrant citrus fruits in purging your home of nasty molds.

Getting Rid of Mold with Essential Oils

Multiple brown bottles for essential oils against a backdrop of seeds and dried plants.

Another way to say good riddance to your house molds is by using essential oils. Tea tree oil is found to really work against mold growth because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Directly put the oil on a mold-covered surface for 30 minutes to an hour, then scrub off with a grout brush. Blended essential oils are also great, like mixed tea tree oils, eucalyptus oils, clove, cinnamon oils and lemon oils.

Getting Rid of Mold with Grapefruit Seed Extract

Slices of grapefruit, lemon, and lime.

You must be liking this list so far especially if you prefer natural ingredients that can be found at home. And what's not to like? Yet another miraculous ingredient that gets rid of mold is grapefruit seed extract. This seed extract is ideal for small spots of mold. Put 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup of water and dip an old but clean toothbrush in it. Scrub onto affected area until the mold goes away.

Getting Rid of Mold with Baking Soda

Baking materials all laid out on the glass table.

Baking soda is a versatile ingredient. It's not only for baking and cooking, as it can also help you with other household chores like cleaning, gardening, and even keeping your trash cans from smelling awful. To test if your baking soda is still fresh and usable, put it in vinegar. If it's forming bubbles, you're good to go. If it's not, you're going to have to get a new pack at the grocery store.

Now it's time to make your baking soda paste to remove thick and stubborn mold. Mix equal parts baking soda and water, and spread the paste onto the moldy area. Once it's completely dried, scrape off using a brush. The mold should go away by then. For a more liquid solution, you're going to need two tablespoons of baking soda and two cups of water. Put them together in a shaker bottle or a spray bottle, then put on the target site.

Getting Rid of Mold with Hydrogen Peroxide

A bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a graduated cylinder.

Don't be intimidated by the name: hydrogen peroxide is mostly safe. It can be used on most surfaces, like walls, glass, tabletops, and in your bathroom area as well. However, fabrics and wood are not ideal target areas for hydrogen peroxide. For removing molds, simply put 3% hydrogen peroxide in a bottle and pour or spray onto the affected site. It will naturally bubble and make fizzling sounds; that's how you know it's reacting chemically. After 10 minutes, scrub off the mold with a piece of cloth or a brush with soft bristles. Rinse and repeat until you're satisfied.

Getting Rid of Mold with Bleach

Cleaning materials in varying shades of pink.

Bleach is a really strong ingredient. This can cause you the most damage if you're not careful, so be sure to have your protective gear on. To make your anti-mold bleach solution, put a cup of bleach on a gallon of water. Scoop some of this solution and pour it onto a small bottle. Spray this on the target area and let it set. Scrub away with a brush, scouring pad, or a piece of cloth depending on how hard the mold is. If you're using a rag, don't reuse that for other cleaning chores. Throw it away immediately after.

Other Mold Busters You Can Try

If you've already tried all of the 7 above and got disappointing results, then you can try other effective mold busters such as borax, ammonia, and actual mold removers. There are some types of mold that have really stuck to surfaces, and may require stronger formulas to get them unstuck. If you're not confident enough with your cleaning skills, then you can have others do the dirty work for you, like professional cleaning services.

Some services you can try are Busy Bee Cleaning Co., Happy Helpers, and Clean Source Solutions Philippines, among many others. But if you think you're up for the challenge, then by all means go for it! Keep all these tips in mind and enjoy a mold-free home with simple and easy-to-find ingredients. Good luck!


Adee, S. (2020, June 5). How to Remove Mold Safely. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/04/parenting/mold-removal-safety.html

Family Handyman. (2020, June 11). Mold Remediation: How to Remove Mold. https://www.familyhandyman.com/project/how-to-remove-mold/

Kim, J. (2021, January 8). How to Get Rid of Mold in Every Corner of Your House. Good Housekeeping. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/cleaning/a34763321/how-to-get-rid-of-mold/

Leverette, M. (2021, March 22). Found Mold? Learn How to Get Rid of It From Every Home Surface. The Spruce. https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-get-rid-of-mold-4163846

MaidsAdmin. (2020, August 12). Getting Rid of Mold Naturally: 5 Non-Toxic Ways | The Maids. The Maids Cleaning Hacks. https://www.maids.com/cleaning-hacks/3-non-toxic-ways-clean-mold-natural-cleaners/