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Beginner’s Guide to Indoor Planting

Indoor planting can be a beneficial part of one's lifestyle. Find out more about its benefits and how you can get started to become a plant parent.

Indoor gardening has gained great popularity over the past year primarily due to the long lockdown. People wanted to experience the great outdoors and the wonders of nature while still being able to follow the quarantine protocols and staying safe at home — and indoor gardening provides just that. But of course, apart from incorporating greenery indoors for the natural experience or for decorating purposes, having indoor plants has a number of benefits that have a positive impact on your well-being and health.

1. Indoor plants can help you work better.

According to a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, plants inside your home or workplace can make you feel comfortable and soothed, which could reduce physiological and psychological stress. With lowered stress levels, your productivity is boosted and you can pay better attention to your work.

2. Indoor gardening can be therapeutic.

Also known as horticultural therapy, indoor gardening has existed for a long time, and its therapeutic effects are proven to be true. Working with indoor plants can help cultivate feelings of well-being, especially for those experiencing depression, anxiety, dementia, and other conditions.

3. Looking at plants can improve your outlook.

Viewing plants in your home or office can improve your mood and overall satisfaction with things. The natural elements that plants bring can serve as stress and anxiety alleviators and can contribute to a more positive view in life.

4. Plants improve the indoor air quality.

Indoor plants have been proven to improve the overall indoor air quality of a home. It serves as a natural air purifier that filters air contaminants like benzene and formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds that can be harmful to your health.

If you are looking for the types of plants you can use to start your life as a plant parent, check out our top six indoor plants that are great for beginners and safe for pets.

As they say, the more you know about a person, the better you can take care of them. The same goes for plants. The more you know about the plant and its native habitat, the better you can provide its needs for it to thrive until its average 5 year lifespan.

Gardening trowel with soil and a pot on the concrete ground

Houseplants are relatively low maintenance but that does not mean that they can grow with neglect. In indoor plant care, you need to take note of three of the most important things: water, sunlight, and fertilizer.

Watering your indoor plants

Houseplants can either die from underwatering or, more often than not, from overwatering. Before watering your plant, make sure to check the soil whether it’s moist or entirely dry. You can do this by sticking your finger 1 to 2 inches into the soil to check if it is moist; or by lifting its pot to check if it is light or heavy with water. You can also use this method to check if you have watered your plant enough. Make sure that the water reaches the bottom of the pot!

During the dry or hot season, you can water your indoor plants frequently. Since the humidity is high during this season, you can also mist their leaves with water to make sure that they are getting enough moisture. Better yet, you can place a humidifier near your plants. This is beneficial not only for the plant, but also for you.

Providing adequate light

Indoor plants do not need direct sunlight since it can potentially burn their leaves. However, like any plant, they still need enough light — indirect sunlight or diffused light —to produce their food.

Each plant differs with how much light they need. For most flowering plants and some foliage plants, they like to have as much sunlight as possible. You can place them within 3 feet from the window to make sure they receive enough sunlight. As for other plants, they can thrive in indirect light or diffused light. For these kinds of indoor plants, you can place them five feet away or farther away from the window.

During the wet or cold season, you can place them nearer the windows. You can also use supplemental LED lights to compensate for the lack of sunlight during this season to make sure that they have adequate light exposure for at least 12 hours.

Giving the right amount of fertilizer

Indoor plants are not demanding when it comes to fertilizers. When giving them fertilizer, it is best not to overdo it. A little goes a long way.

They grow best with organic fertilizers since it provides them with the most nutrients. You can purchase organic fertilizers or house plant-specific fertilizers from your local gardening center.

Bonus: Getting rid of bugs

Some houseplants can attract insects or pests which can be problematic indoors. To get rid of them, use an insecticidal soap. You can usually purchase this in spray bottles from your local gardening center. Spray it all over the leaves and stems of your plant. Do this three times in 2 week intervals to make sure that the pests (along with their eggs) are eliminated. If this does not save your plant from bug infestation, you can only throw the plant away.

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Indoor gardening. (2021, March 24). Retrieved June 02, 2021, from https://www.gardeners.com/how-to/indoor-gardening/5079.html

Kostelnick, M. (2018, May 30). The ultimate guide to indoor plants. Retrieved June 02, 2021, from https://www.ambius.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-indoor-plants/

Stanborough, R. (2020, September 18). 7 science-backed benefits of indoor plants. Retrieved June 02, 2021, from https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-home-guide/benefits-of-indoor-plants#safe-plants