記事 Lifestyle How Going Organic Can Change Your Life For The Better

How Going Organic Can Change Your Life For The Better

Don't panic, it's organic! Find out how choosing organic can give you long-term benefits financially, environmentally and health-wise as well.

If you're health conscious, chances are, you've embraced consuming produce that's as chemical-free as possible. When it comes to your choice of food, clothes, or the products you use, picking the organic route seems to be the best way to go. But is organic really what it's cracked up to be? Some findings say so. Here are 8 benefits of sticking to organic produce.

1. No Pesticide Intake

Organic food means your fruits and vegetables are grown on their own, without any potentially harmful insecticides to kill any pests or weeds near the plants. While this could mean that you'll find occasional little creepers on your apples or avocados (which are found in non-organic produce sometimes too), you can always wash them off or have someone do it for you especially if you're a bit squeamish.

The redeeming factor here is that you'll get absolutely fresh produce, free from any chemical residue that can cause you diseases especially if built up in your body gradually through constant consumption. Since some pesticides are found to seep through the skin of the food you'll be consuming, it's best to just forgo buying conventional produce and stick to the organic ones.

2. More Nutrient Content

Levels of iron, phosphorus, vitamin C, and magnesium are found to be higher in organic foods than in non-organic produce. Other studies also found that organic foods have higher levels of antioxidant phytochemicals than conventional produce, specifically those that protect the cells from damage, decrease the risk of getting certain types of cancers and eye diseases, and boost the immune system as well.

If you go organic, you don't just skip the nasty chemical residue from the non-organic produce. You actually put more nutrients in your body and get the most out of eating your favorite foods – all the more reason to do away with conventionally grown produce and choose organic.

3. Better Taste

For some people, organic foods are tastier; richer and fuller in flavor compared to conventionally grown ones. In fact, one survey conducted by an association of restaurants who offer organic and non-organic items on their menus found more of their patrons choosing the former over the latter food choices.

These findings reveal that there's a better option for those who are looking for more intense flavors while still maintaining the health benefits of the food they eat, as well as doing away with harmful substances that their body might absorb – they can consider ditching the conventional food that they usually buy and switch to organic.

4. Less Metallic Content

Organic crops are found to have half as low amounts of cadmium than in conventional foods. For those who aren't too familiar, cadmium is commonly found in alloys, solar cells, batteries, coatings, pigment, and plastic stabilizers. In dangerous levels, cadmium can strongly affect the human body and cause fragile bones and kidney diseases with repeated intake.

Apart from significantly low levels of cadmium, organic foods also have lower nitrite, nitrate, and nitrogen levels, with each at 87%, 30%, and 10% less than their conventional counterparts. These studies further show us that organic produce has a lot more health benefits aside from just being more nutritious and pesticide-free.

5. Less Chances of Acquiring Food-borne Illnesses

Some studies have found that organic farming can promote bioresistance to food-borne illnesses, specifically to the illness-causing microorganisms or pathogens behind these diseases. Getting used to consuming organic produce could mean making the immune system stronger against food-borne pathogens, and in turn, against the illnesses that they cause.

And while there are cases of illnesses stemming from consumption of organic produce, this all relies heavily on the washing and sanitizing processes used on these foods: always remember to clean your organic produce to prevent food-borne pathogens to enter your body and make you sick.

6. Improved Food Texture

Grass-fed organic meat is said to be leaner and chewier than conventional, non-organic meat. Many meat enthusiasts prefer grass-fed because the meat tastes fresher and the texture sits well in the tongue; meatier instead of fattier, unlike non-organic meats.

Meanwhile, organic fruits and vegetables are said to slightly have a different texture to non-organic ones, although the perceived quality largely depends on the preference of the eater. Regardless, organic produce generally are of a better quality than non-organic ones.

7. More Money Saved

While the organic food industry is famous for selling produce with a heftier price tag than those from conventional food companies, one workaround for this is to budget well when you visit your local grocery. Better yet, take a trip to the wet market and get produce there for cheaper, but of course, you should double check if what you're getting is actually organic produce.

Another solution would be to grow your own food and have your own little garden of organic produce so that you can cut down on expenses significantly. From organic fruits, spices, herbs, and vegetables, the options are endless when supplying yourself with your own organic produce. You can even take it a level higher with a poultry farm and fill it with free-range organic chickens.

8. Mostly Better For The Environment

Non-organic farming is known to cause soil erosion, water pollution, and even biodiversity loss, which is why organic farming is sometimes the option for those who want to conserve, preserve, and protect our finite resources from nature. And while organic farming does have contributions to climate change, these things pale in comparison to how organic farming actually mitigates the said problem.

No Need To Panic If It's Organic!

With all the health, environment, and financial benefits of going organic, you have all the reasons to make the switch. While there could be possible setbacks like availability or the uncertainty of whether or not produce is organic, the advantages mostly outweigh the drawbacks, and workarounds can always be come up with.

Would you go organic or just settle with conventional produce? Hopefully this inspired you to consider the non-conventional path for total and holistic benefits that help nature, society, and most importantly, you.